Tuesday, December 16, 2008

pg 151-175


The Egyptians made many many sculptures
In 1920 they discovered the Statues of Meryrehashtef
The coffins and statues usually consisted of gold
The tomb of tutankhamun was a huge find in egypt history
In 1926, they found the scarabs from Deir el-bahri

4 Questions

Why did Tutankhamuns coffin consist the most gold out of every other coffin?
What made Tatankhamun's find so important?
Why is making all these discoveries important?
Did gold show the amount of wealth the dead person had?

3 Vocabulary

Regalia-the ensigns or emblems of royalty, as the crown or scepter
calamities-a great misfortune or disaster, as a flood or serious injury
-textiles-A cloth, especially one manufactured by weaving or knitting; a fabric

2 Literary terms

"tomb shedded new and wholly unexpected light on the richness..."

"a gilded woof richly inlaid with glass and semiprecious stone..."

1 Overview sentence

These pages talk mostly about the Tutankhamun Tomb.

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