Thursday, January 29, 2009

Energy Alternatives - Roar Post


-There should be more use of solar and wind power instead of fossil fuels
-They should shut down the nuclear power plants
-Many radioactive things are used in nuclear plants which make them very harmful
-If nuclear plants are taken out, the making of nuclear weapons will close
-To work at a nuclear power plant, you will need the right equipment

4 Questions

-When will the world actually give wind power a go?
-How are solar panels made?
-Are solar powers and windmills expensive so thats why they are not made more often?
-What does Radioactive chemicals do?

3 Vocabulary

RadioACtivity-the phenomenon, exhibited by and being a property of certain elements, of spontaneously emitting radiation resulting from changes in the nuclei of atoms of the element.

Radiation-the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves.

Toxic-of, pertaining to, affected with, or caused by a toxin or poison

2 Literary Terms

"...the power to destroy states in a matter of minutes."

" the world treats solar and wind energy like nothing."

1 Overview Sentence

These pages talk about how nuclear power and energy effect the world and what it does to it in a negative way.

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