Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Energy Alternatives End of Book


-A lot of things are just summarizing what happened earlier in the book
-Even though the world world is trying to find a new source, it can still take years to find it
-Scientists are saying that methane and even vegetable oil could be an energy source
-I think the world will be soon flooded due to the melting ice caps
-The world should start learning how to use more solar and wind energy

4 Questions

-How long do scientists believe will another energy source be made?
-Will the planet learn how to use energy more efficiently and learning how to "go green"?
-Do some people even care that the world is slowly dying from global warming?
-How much longer until we run out of fossil fuels to fuel the world?

3 Vocabulary-

Fossil Fuel-any combustible organic material, as oil, coal, or natural gas, derived from the remains of former life.
Endowment-the property, funds, etc., with which an institution or person is endowed.
Emission- something that is emitted; discharge; emanation

2 Literary Terms-

"...carbon dioxide is a poison that slowly kills the planet..."

"...smoke blanketing the air..."

1 Overview Sentence

These pages talk about how global warming is a world crisis and how we should alternate out energy source into something better for the planet.

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