Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Boys and Sex Roar Post


-Most old people believe that to have intercourse, you must be married?
-Pulling out is a bad way to have sex
-Condoms are the best contraceptive device avaliable
-Some people think abortions are evil
-There are many different kinds of birth control

4 Questions

-What changed peoples minds of comment 1's idea?
-How much sperm is needed to make it up the vagina?
-What is an effective, safe way for having sex?
-when the babies are inside you, are they still considered humans?

3 Vocabulary

Squalid- foul and repulsive, as from lack of care or cleanliness; neglected and filthy.
Chancre-the initial lesion of syphilis and certain other infectious diseases, commonly a more or less distinct ulcer or sore with a hard base.
Virulent-actively poisonous; intensely noxious

2 Literary Terms

-"injury, infection"
-"with and will want"

1 Overview Sentence

These pages take about the birth control methods and the dangers of unprotected sex and STD's.

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